

Granoro Couscous is made from high-quality semolina obtained from durum wheat grown in Italy.

The intense colour and irregular shaped grain make it seem like homemade couscous, with a smaller than average grain size in comparison to others available on the market. Granoro Couscous is distinguished by a low humidity value, which increases its shelf life, and is produced using a long, gentle production process.

In addition, the low humidity level gives Granoro Couscous good hydroscopic properties, therefore during cooking or reconstitution it absorbs a great deal of water (or milk or stock) resulting in a high yield. Indeed, it triples in volume after cooking or reconstitution.  Thanks to the pre-cooking process it is subject to, Granoro Couscous is reconstituted by simply adding boiling liquid such as water, milk or meat/vegetable stock and is ready to eat in just 5 – 7 minutes.


  • Couscous is essentially a pasta. Couscous owes its name to the French, who named it after the method used to produce it and the rustling sound that the durum wheat semolina made as it was worked through the hands.
  • In Arabic, it is called TA’AM, which means pasta.
  • Its origins can be traced back to prehistoric times and the discovery of fire: Cereal + water + fire = Couscous.
  • Tradition and use of couscous in ancient times, 50% of Arabs and 50% of Jews.
  • Its use traces back to the culture of fire and steam, identified as being between the Tigris and Euphrates in Mesopotamia. The first people to use it were Nomads, Palestines, Jews and Lebanese; it came into use in Italy during Roman times with the presence of the Arabs.
  • During their travels, the Jews took this food to Egypt, where in the meantime bread was being discovered, after which it became popular in Carthage, where they were already eating it but it often caused death or illness because they were making it with ergot-infected rye that contains LSD. The Jews taught them to make couscous using only durum wheat.
  • At that time, the use of precooked couscous became more popular amongst the Tuareg and nomadic populations in the desert. For people living in that sort of environment, where water, fire and food stocks were scarce, the fact that it could be reconstituted in cold water was a great benefit, meaning it could be cooked when there was not much available to cook it with and it did not need DRAINING: the water was fully absorbed by the couscous, making it a rich food that kept all of its NUTRITIONAL substances.
  • In 1500/1600, loads of couscous were sent from Morocco to Brazil, which is why the food also became popular in that area.
  • During the time of the maritime republics, Genoa bought couscous for the Moor prisoners held in the prisons, and so it began to gain popularity in Italy too.
  • From Tunisia, it spread to Carloforte in Sardinia.
  • In 1748, the Jews disembarked at Livorno bringing with them the culture of couscous, which gave rise to the dish known as Caciucco alla Livornese and subsequently Couscous alla Trapanese, when the Arabs introduced it to Sicily.


  • It is a way of consuming cereals in a natural way, WITHOUT additives.
  • Granoro couscous has a hydroscopic absorption level greater than 2.7, allowing it to absorb a considerable amount of liquid, so it almost triples in volume. Therefore, 100 g of Granoro Couscous will yield about 300 g of product after cooking. This characteristic allows our product to exceed the minimum legal value, which is 2.2.
  • Granoro Couscous has the typical, intense aroma of durum wheat.
  • It is produced with 100% Italian wheat, has an intense colour and a protein content of 13.5%.
  • Granoro Couscous has grains of uniform size that are irregular in shape, just like homemade couscous.
  • It reconstitutes quickly, in just 5-7 minutes.
  • It can be stored for 3 years if kept in a cool, dry place.
  • It can be stored in the fridge for many days, even if combined with a sauce or other ingredients. If stored without condiments it can be reheated in a bain-marie.



Did you know that couscous could be considered the first ready meal in history, thanks to its extremely short preparation time?

Did you know that couscous is not just a typical dish of the Eastern cultures?

Italian culinary tradition is full of recipes that use couscous as its basic ingredient, including: couscous with ham and peas; couscous with fresh, lightly blanched fava beans and pecorino cheese from the Siena area; couscous with Bolognese sauce and parmesan cheese; the famous Caciucco alla Trapanese or alla Livornese made with couscous and fish.



Couscous can be kept in the fridge, even with condiments, for many days. If kept in the fridge without condiments, just reheat in a bain-marie before serving.

It is recommended as semolina and makes a tasty coating for frying.

Some Italian recipes: couscous with ham and peas; couscous with fresh, lightly blanched fava beans and pecorino cheese from the Siena area; couscous with Bolognese sauce and parmesan cheese.